Well, after much thought, I've decided to blow off my wife, replace the bench front seat with bucket seats and convert the 3 speed on the column to a floor shift 5 speed. Question is, what transmission should I get? I currently have the original 1973 302.
Best and easiest to convert is a T5. Lots of info on here, just go to the search function, type in T5. Good luck.....not with the car, with the wife!!!
Later T5s were called "World Class" and built a bit stronger ... I want to say 1990 and later, but not sure.
I'm getting a little confused on fitting a T5 to a 302. Would there be a problem hooking a 1990 T5 to a 1973 302?
The bellhousing from a later model 5.0 as well as from a 3.8 V6 will both bolt directly to a 302. You may have to change your flywheel and starter setup, but other than that its pretty straight forward. Then you've got the clutch to figure out. You can buy an adaptor plate that allows the use of your existing mechanical linkage, adapt the pedal for a fox body clutch cable, or build a hydraulic setup. All depends on your money and fabrication limits, as well as what type of clutch feel you prefer. It's an amazing transmission, completely changes the car.
You can even buy an adaptor plate to bolt the T5 to your current bellhousing and use the existing clutch linkage. That's how I did mine. Just have to modify the trans crossmember.
Here's one on evilBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1965-1966-1...Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item3cc2ccb531
http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=84457 Have the flywheel, Centerforce clutch etc......I am in Alberta Canada though.
Blown76Mav, thanks for the year clarification. I was researching this about 5 years ago, and couldn't find my notes. As far as bolting one to a 73 302, one thing to watch will be the balance weight on the flywheel. It changed on the later 302s, so you need one with the proper weight. You will not be able to use one that came with the trans.
The flywheel that is with your engine would be a good choice if it is still serviceable (perhaps it needs a clean-up at the machine shop). This is provided that it will work with the combo of other parts you put together (clutch, bellhousing, starter, etc.). The clutch in my first Comet was pretty small, and I replaced it with a bigger Hayes street/strip clutch. Pretty sure we kept the stock flywheel. The really important thing is the balance weight on it has be the early spec.
You have to use a 28 oz imbalance flywheel on your old 302, which is what your current flywheel is obviously. Unless you have some reason for wanting to change the bellhousing, clutch, clutch linkage, starter, etc, just get the adaptor listed previously and bolt up the T5 using all of your existing parts. The T5 crossmember mounting pad is about 1 1/2" farther rearward than your 3-speed's pad so you have to modify the crossmember or fab a new one.
i had that balance problem ,when you have a 302 before 1980 you need a 28 onces flywheel and after 1980 you need a 50 onces flywheel