For those that desire the look ... $6.00 for shipping a piece of paper is pretty outrageous -- isn't it $3.85 for a priority mail envelope? All his other auctions are $4.30 for shipping ...
i'd say thats a fair price avg price for sticky vinal that size. if it has confirmation its more then 4 bucks... dont for get the packaging aint free either
Can some one scan the white faced guages.?? Can some one scan the white faced guages.?? i want to make my design, maybe with the ford logo or some color or something, but i need the pattern.
I just measured and made my own pattern here at home from an existing cluster I used to have. Sadly, I lost the patterns/measurements. Making the pattern was as simple as tracing it out on paper.
If the lines at his post office are like the lines at ours, $6.00 is a deal! (I know I know. it's probably picked up at his home. Just making a point.)
I was JUST going to buy one until I saw the extra $3.00 insurance fee that was added on top of the shipping fee. Thats just rediculous. If you want $14.00 for the faces, just charge $14.00 for them and be done with it. AC
especially since anything up to $100.00 from about any package shipping store is free anything over that is extra money. So i guess thats another 3 bucks in his pocket.
hover you slice it, his overlays are of good quality and I'm happy with what I paid for mine. (I think it was around $20.00 after shipping)
Courier...I too paid about $20 for my first set and have been very pleased with them. I went for another set with the cheap price and decided to purchase two sets of them. Even with the high shipping and ins prices my total price for two sets was only $18.97 so it really turns out to be a good deal especially if you get more than one set. A cheap price for such a great look.
This was the total breakdown taken from my Paypal receipt: 2 @ $4.98 $9.96 USD Shipping & Handling via Standard Delivery to 395XX (includes any seller handling fees)$5.99 USD Shipping Insurance (required) : $3.02 USD Total:$18.97 USD
Cool, looks like only 1. Think I'll order some. I bought a set when they first came out but dont have a clue where I put them. I figure to find them, I'll have to buy more. Somethings about getting old, suck.