Wassup guys.. I jus got this 70 maverick and plan to drop a 351w into it within the next month...posi with 3.73 gears and a c-4 tranny anyone have any ideas on a good bench seat that i could pop in? (from another car) i also need door panels and a carpet kit... any problems with a 351 conversion i should need to know? get back at me!
Cool. I'm up in the North Bay - Sebastopol. I come down to Fremont and San Jose every so often to visit friends. Good luck on the swap - I'm about to do the 351W swap as well.
Welcome to the board. Can you maybe repost some bigger pictures as i want to see that hood a little better.
ill try! bad camera!!!! the hood is actually for sale...i got a grabber hood and trunk lid im gunna paint em satin black and throw em on for now..thinking about grabber side mirrors too i have those as well and to the guy from the bay.. i used to live in fremont! thats wassup!
Agreed. The hood looks pretty cool! When you sell it I may be interested, depending on seeing some bigger pics.
yeah ima work on it...no promises the hood is actually a stock hood with a scoop put on...whoever did it did a really good job..not functional or anything but it does look cool..id jus prefer the grabber hood myself
shock towers? explain im a rookie! anyone know if theres a difference in grabber parts? i know there wasnt a grabber option in 70 but will later model parts work on a 70?