I found a posting for a 73 and up diagram, but the early Mav is different seeing it doesnt have an egr valve.. I have an inline 200 and need to get the idle right.. Also, do i need the manifold vacuum reserve (can by the firewall) or can I delete it? I have AC but I plan on removing the entire system as well as the heater core.. the hear core leaks and fan doesnt even come on using the dash switch, so no AC.. Any ideas why it wont come on? I changed and checked all the fuses in the block under the dash
http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/70-72Vac.html Reason why the fan doesn't work is bad wiring, switch or motor
Damn, your the greatest.. Thanks... Imma run some test today using a jumper wire to see if the fan motor works or not.. I also have a vacuum gauge and timing light now, so hopefully I can smooth my idle out.. My vac lines are ran just like diagram 4 but id rather skip the pvs like in diagram 3.. Im gonna play with it a bit an see what works best ..
The vacuum can is not necessary. What it is for is to hold the vacuum when you accelerate or go up steep hills. All that happens without it is the air will come out the defrost vents until you regain vacuum in the intake. Those cans are notorious for failure resulting in a vacuum leak. To test it,with the engine running, just pinch the hose that goes from the intake to it with a pair of pliers. If the idle changes,the can is shot.