The front springs on my car were likely cut by the previous owner. I love the stance of the car and would like to keep it like it is. That said, the current springs are shot and bottom out whenever I hit any kind of bump. It's progressed to a point that the car is no longer safe to drive. I'd prefer to purchase springs of the correct size versus cutting the stock replacements. Does anyone have a recommendation for front springs that will lower the factory stance by a 1/2 to 1 inch? Shot in the dark, but worth a try. Thanks for reading.
New front springs are a crap shoot in my opinion. I ordered high dollar springs from Detroit Eaton Springs for the front of my orange 1972 Grabber. I gave them the engine size, accessories, etc. Once installed, I still had to remove them and cut off a full coil to get them to sit right. You might have to do the same with whatever you order.
Just ordered replacement springs. I couldn't find anything other than the factory replacement, which isn't OEM but rather made by a local spring shop so.....I think crap-shoot sounds about right. Does anyone have a recommendation as to how to go about cutting the springs down? I'm sure I can cut them.....but something in my head is yelling "measure twice cut once". Is there a way to measure and cut correctly? Or is it just amatter of cutting a little, installing, then removing and cutting more until you get it right?
TRial and error is about the only way. Also they will settle some over time so start a little higher then you want it end up.
I also think along the lines of a crap shoot on springs. I replaced the springs on my car shortly after I bought it cuz I did not like the ride. I don't know what kind/spec's were on the springs I replaced. Upon removing them, I discovered they had not bn on the car long "paint was still in gud shape". Those springs had bn cut, can't say how much. I replace them w/ a set of Moog's for a 6 cyl ac car. I did not alter/cut them. It did set the car abt 1-2" higher in the front. I hve measured the car at the ctr of the whl opening and have not found much in the way of sag. I am pleased w/ the ride now. I did like the stance of the other springs but I am more interested in not shaking me and the car to pieces. I suppose the intended use of the car has some place in the equation, I don't plan on any circle track, drag strip, or any kind of driving that wud really stress the suspension that was not designed for that. I also suppose, the condx. of the streets/roads (potholes, speed humps and the like) play a part. Lastly, the amount of use the vechicle gets; if ur only backing the car frm a trailer and running it on 1/4 track , smooth race track or some areas in the country that don't have a lot of irregular surfaces .. than u can get by w/ stiff springs. Ir ur putting a few thou. miles on the streets --- than the equation will possibly change... It's like most everything in life .... "A Compromise"
You have to install them first and see where you are at. Might want to leave them on for about 2 weeks to see if they settle some. Then you have to remove, cut some off, re-install, and the whole process starts again.
I installed 1" drop springs from a mustang supply house, It's lower but it might not be low enough for you...
If you are going to replace the springs I would recommend lowering the upper A arms an inch as they did on the Shelby Mustangs. It improves handling while lowering the car 1/2 to 1in.