I parked my 1973 Maverick over the winter after I worked on it last season. Actually rolled it in place while in neutral since it wouldn't start. I was getting ready to put it in neutral and again roll it back into the garage bay and it will not budge now. The front wheels spin freely when suspended, but the rear wheels will not move at all. There is no emergency brake in the vehicle, so nothing to diagnose there. What am I missing. Admittedly a novice, so any and all help is appreciated. Thanks, Alki.
just to clarify the work I was doing: I had replaced the ignition switch, then the starter, the solenoid and the voltage regulator. Then I ran out of time so slipped it into neutral and rolled it out of the way of the garage bay doors. Put it in park and locked it up for the winter.
Chock the front wheels and jack up the rear of the car and see if you can turn the rear wheels. If it is truly in neutral the driveshaft will spin as well. If it still won't turn, disconnect the driveshaft and see if the wheels turn. If they do the problem is in the transmission. If they don't I would start by looking at the brakes to see if they seized to the drum.
If you have standard steel rims, take a block of wood and a decent size hammer and hit the rim where the ridge is around the lug nuts. If your rear shoes are stuck to the drums this may free them up.