72 Comet I6 200 8" 65 fairlane rear axle with 2.79 gears. Completely rebuilt some 5 or 6 years ago. I started hearing a rear end noise some while ago, only when accelerating or coasting off of a highway off ramp. I thought it was a rear brake shoe skipping around maybe, or a hung up or broken spring.. but all look good. It has become loud, like a exhaust muffler being banged on, kinda a hollow tinny sound, and only sometime occurs. Putting in neutral stops it, braking lightly doesnt. seems to happen under load. Too loud to ignore now. I raised the rear end of the car with floor jack and set her on stands.. the tires are tight, very slight play in drivers side bearing.. when I rotate a rear wheel, there is a different clacking, like teeth skipping?? then it catches and then both wheels rotate opposite direction..sometimes the opposite wheel rotates the opposite direction, and sometimes it doesnt move at all for several rotations! I started the car (in the air, wheels off ground) and in gear at idle both tires roll fwd. I can stop each tire with my shoe, the other then spins faster. in fwd gear, they both spin fwn, then when I gas it, there is an extra dull clunk" like something else just engaged. Anybody experienced this I'd sure like to know a course of action.. something with the preload on the yoke bearing nut?? I've been under the car many times and nothing is loose.. there is no play in the U joints for and aft.. very tight. oh and I checked the gear oil level I can touch it with my finger when I oper the plug on the back. Thanks!
sounds like a broken teeth on the spider gears. chances are you housing is bent and has chewed them up. you need to pull your axles and third member. look at all the ring gear and pinion teeth. if they dont have any chips or broken teeth then take the caps off and take the carrier out. then take the ring gear bolts out and split the case in half. you will now be able to see all the spider and side gear teeth. they will be obviously chewed up if thats the problem. their are only 2 things that chew these. a bent housing or doing lots of 1 tire burn outs.