Looking to switch my stock 9 inch over to posi and I was looking for input on which way to go, Don't want to spent too much but I want to get the best setup I can, what all will I need it has a 302 with a c4 on 17in wheels, thanks
I found my stock 9 inch Ford Traction Loc unit in a junkyard residing in a 6 cylinder 69 E-100 van so I'm sure they are still out there
Well considering that a Maverick never came from the factory with a 9 inch yours was swapped at some point. It would either have 28 or 31 spline axles. On stock axles, take a look at the wheel hub end of axle if the center is like a cup it is a 28 spline if it has a countersunk hole in the center and two holes beside it they are 31 spline. You will need a differential with the matching number of splines.
I would go w/ an Auburn unit as already suggested,they work great & hold up over a long period of time.