Ok, here is the issue. I have a 95 mustang conv. blk/blk top tan leather interior GT 5-speed. Heads are gone. Block may be OK. I have ---- GT-40 intake 24-lb injectors bullitt mass ais 8.8 w/3:73 gaers t-5 tranny (less than 2500 miles maybe world class FOMOCO tranny) Cobra R rims and all the electronics that I need to convert my Mav to an EFI car. Funds and space are almost non existant. If I sell the stang I will basically be selling many of the things I will need to do what I want to do with the Mav. I can probably make it by finacilly if I strip it and sell the rest of the parts, but it will be close. (Going through an unwanted divorce right now and not sure of the future) Also, anyone know what the width difference is on a 95 Stang 8.8 and 73 Mav 8 inch rear? Or does anyone think I should just part it out and sell it? Thanks.
I believe the Mustang 8.8 rear axle to be OK if you run modern-style reverse offset wheels.... in other words ... a bunch wider.
Ready to just throw my hands up and quit and check out right about now. May just give it up altogether.
Hang in there ... been through some rough patches myself. It will get better. I went through a bad year a while ago. A very good friend let me store a car at his place until I got everything sorted out. If you can figure out where to store the stuff, parting out that Mustang makes sense. Take the goodies that you need, part what you can, scrap the rest ... it will put some cash in your pocket, and you won't have to store a whole car. Even if you don't end up using the stuff you pull out of the Mustang, that stuff is desireable and you can sell them later. Re-read your first post... you mentioned the Cobra rims. That is the kind of rim I was referring to. I was looking at building a Factory Five Cobra replica, and those guys were running into the same issue IIRC. I would measure the whole thing and compare it to your Mav. It will probably be close to working.
I've got my 98 Cobra rear end mocked up in the Mav right now. The Mav rear from outside mounting surface to outside mounting surface is 57" and the Mustang 8.8 is 60 3/4" IIRC. Which is 1 7/8" wider per side. So if you want to run late model style wheels like the Cobra R's its perfect! I know a divorce is a hard thing to go through! I went through a divorce at 21 and it bankrupt me...seriously. I got stuck with all the bills and paying for everything else even though she was the one that left. But don't give up, it's not the end. Things will get better, and in eight years from now it won't even seem like it ever happend.
ModMav......But isnt the rear you have IRS? If it is, then it may be different than the solid axil in tha GT......dont know. I will try and get under it and find out. On the Divorce issue. I do not want it. We have just grown apart and we are not happy. We are not mad at each other or fighting. She doesn't want anything. Not even child support or the house. She knows I am going to take care of our son. And she and I have known each other since first grade. (34 years). Our fisr Priority is Alan Jr.
My brother was in the same situation a few years ago. They had one child, split up,when he went to pick his young son up the old wife saw new wife and had a fit. Took him to court and raked him over the coals. Please be careful may want a lawyer (sorry for the bad language), but one might be needed at times like this. Good Luck. But, we grow stronger from life's experiences.
I agree, but the finances are not there. Pay for attorney = loose house. She makes more than me. There have been so many changes in my life that I would not wish on anyone in my last 15 yrs. I really don't want to get a "new" wife/girlfriend at all at this time. I would almost consider checking out due to all the things I have lost if were not for my son. He is my priority.
I've been through some rough stuff over the years but it will improve. Kids are tough. They adapt very well. He'll be fine. Just hang in there for him. He needs a Dad more than ever now.
Alan, I am a Nam Vet and have seen kids go through no one should have to. Then to come home and find their wives or girls have been screwing around and spent all the money they had sent home for the future. Guys who never saw or knew their child, to many dear John letters to count. Saw these same Marines come home, and some how handle it. Those Marines came home different than they left, some with body parts missing. Not to mention they were called baby killers and worse, your fine Alan. Get your Maverick fixed up, and be the best D--n father you can be. And don't forget to smile, because as we said in Nam, "they can kill ya, but they can't eat ya, it's against the Geneva Convention". God Bless
take the parts off you want and part out the rest of the car... divorces suck, mine sucked big time. lost cars, a house, everything in it, savings, investments, the list goes on and on. but i still have my 66 impala, and got my 74 comet. you can always get more stuff. don't loose your sanity over it.
Well understood.......Just have to see what happens. May have the stang sold for 2K. No motor parts t-5 back on the drive train. Will check back with the guy in 2-3 days. At least I can pay some taxes I have to take care of.