I just got the news letter announcing Craigs soon to be resignation as president of the Maverick Comet Club International. Even though it came as a bit of a surprize, I can understand Craigs decision to step down. I know how difficult it can be to juggle so many things at one time and hope you don't lose your focus on the important things. In my opinion Craig, you have done an absolutely terrific job as president for the past 6 years. Thanks to your devotion to our favorite cars, more and more people are again taking an interest in what was always a great car. The news letter has come a long way and is getting better all the time. Again, a truely great job. I have never made it to the Roundups in Indiana, but from what I've heard, they have always been a sucess, and I congradulate you on your hard work to make them a sucess. So lets all give Craig a big "Thank You" for all the hard work, time and energy he has put into making our club something to be proud of. Thank You Craig for a job well done.
Like they all said Craig, GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!! You will be missed as the president, but I have a little feeling you might still be around in the Mav/Comet world. -Corbin
Yes, great job Craig. Way to build a maverick empire! Just because you will be stepping down, it doesn't mean you have to step out! Thank you again, Craig, for everything. -Todd
Thanks Craig for putting up with us for this long. I completely understand your feelings. I hope the next pres. is as good as your are(were). Thanks again. Russ
As we're surely sorry to see you step down after all the hard work you've put in, I have to say thanks for all of it. With the growth of membership and the numbers of Mav/Comet owners also growing, you have much to be proud of. With our membership scattered all over the continent, it is a difficult job to keep it together and you should be commended. I hope the next one of us who picks up the torch carries on what I hope to become a tradition for a long time to come started by Chuck and you.
Thank you Craig. Your knowledge and assistance has been invaluable to a countless number of people. I hope to stay in touch with you. Seth Roberts seth@realtor.com
Thanks Craig. You have stepped down as president just like you ran the MCCI............with class and style! You have definitely left some big shoes to fill. Thanks again for all your efforts to help our cars get the respect and presstime they deserve.
Craig; thanks for all the hard work. Just hope things go as well in the future, and that you stay in touch with us. BTW, I have a check in the mail for a shirt...hope that is still good. Take care, Earl
Craig is a great guy to work with and knows how to get the job done. Congratulations on the fine work you have done to bring the club to where it stands today.
Thanks Craig for all the time, and devotion you have put into this, it is so appreciated by all of us!!! As I know, the Maverick is an addiction, and I am sure we will see plenty of you around, take care. Jeremy
Thank you! Craig, thanks for your service to the Maverick/Comet community! I can tell you from my own experience, what starts out looking pretty easy and simple does take a lot of time and effort to do what you do! I am grateful, as well as the others here are, and I know it can be thankless job at times, but who knows where the Maverick/Comet club would be today if you hadn't stepped in and helped to see the vision through. Thanks!