I had someone tell me that my AC was good but the reason it wasn't working is that I have a bad condensor, does this make sense?
Doesn't make sense to me. A "good AC" has to put out cold air. Can't do that with a bad condenser. Maybe they meant it had a good compressor?
I guess what I meant to say that the compressor is fine, but the condensor needs to be replaced. If that is all it takes I am going to buy one and put it in, but i am a Novice so i figured i would ask if it is possible that the condensor could be the problem.
OK, now you're beyond where I can help. I'll leave it to others to tell you about other issues such as other components, dryer and R134. I'll be listening 'cause I also have an empty AC system that I'll have to address some day. Jim
Yah if it holds a charge in the system but still does not work I would seriously see if your vacuum lines are working and your vents are opening properly. After that I would check to make sure the thermostatic valve is working correctly.
yes it is, the entire car is stock. It only has 12k miles on it and was stored in a garage since 1976.
does the defrost stay on all the time or do the dashboard vents ect come on when you move the selector lever up and down with the heat?