So far progress has been rolling along nicely although the engine bay was a huge pain in the rear . After welding in patch panels and smoothing everything out you would think that spray painting the engine bay would be easy but no, all was well and good until I went to clear it . I had to wet sand and reclear it three or four times and I still have a couple places where it wrinkled up. The stroker , tranny and gear venders went in without a hitch though . I realy wanted to put the "hammer" shifter (by B&M) in it but I couldn`t use the shift handle I needed with my overdrive so I just went with the star shifter for now. I also got my rusty rocker taken car of now I just need to put a little filler on it to make it pretty.
Thanks guys , I don`t have any more pictures of the engine bay right now but I`ll get some more later. The color is intense pearl metallic blue chrysler used it in the late `90s .