ok ok my rear end has gone out and it seems hard to find a rear end (atleast a five bolt ) i recently ran across a five bolt grabber inline six (didnt know they had these ) its trashed but the rear is good . cold this possibly be an 8? i couldnt get under it due to fireants and other assorted painful things . if soo would it be worth the trouble to change it out ? i need help im literally at whitts end here
how did you rearend go out? i'm sorry to hear it. but yes that grabber you looking at is probably an 8 incher.. but not becuase its a grabber its becuase its a 5 bolt. get it but make sure the axles aren't bent.. but then again you can use your if they are.... say hi to the fire ants for me
it was rparing when i bought it but i never got round to checking the fluid (stupied me) and thats when the wonderful clanging started its clangs when i take off and while im driving and its not as responsive as before ..... my life sucks now my cars broke im ready to get it fixed , i miss getting 12 mpg
You don't need a whole rearend, just the center section, which can be gotten out of Pintos, Mavericks, Granadas, Mustang-IIs, and others...
Depending on what broke in yours, you can buy a new gear set for around $180 and a install kit for around $100. Then rebuild what you have. It will be brand new and any gear ratio you want.
If you want to keep the 2.79 gearing, I have a matching set of used gears from my old setup. No wear, with spider gears. You would still need a rebuild kit ~$100 with bearings, etc. (I rebuilt to 3.80, and I, too, miss the 18 miles to the gallon!!!) But like the guys say, you can buy new and rebuild for about $300. THREADJACK--Speaking of which, should I even try to sell used gears (and a used cam minus lifters) or just toss them? Personally, I would feel comfortable buying the gears, but don't you need new lifter/cam so they break in together? Sorry, you can have your thread back.