Does your car have a name? If so, what is it and how did you come up with the name? Just curious. Thought it might be kinda fun to see if anyone else calls their car by name. BTW--a couple of you have sent me messages asking for an update of Frankie's progress. Well, you know we had the dual exhaust done. Now she is in the shop having the carb / choke issues taken care of. Also having the whole non-functioning gas guage issue looked at. They said it is not the fuel sending unit, but the parts behind the dashboard panel. So anyway--that is sorta where we stand. The next thing on the list is a stereo / CD player. I just HAVE to have some music when I am going happily on my way! Thanks for the interest, guys.
Della. Original owner was my wife's great grandmother, Della Simmons. Family always called it "the Della Mobile" and I just call her Della. Nothing funny or interesting here...:Nothing_f
PINKY I am not really sure who started it I am pretty sure it was on this board I have really never figured out why, PINKY
We call my '75 the green pea.It actually looks more yellow,but the color is called light green.
Blue one is Emma. Original owners name. Gold one is Mad Max. You would know why if I gave you a ride.
The daily driver (76) is Sapphire. The 75 in the garage awaiting restoration currently is dubbed Pinkie due to previous owner's sick idea that the word Fuscia on the can sounded like a good color, UGH -- soon to be re-named to either GunHo or Bullet. Holly & Rocky
My original green Grabber was named "The Green Machine" when I was dating my wife...back in 1975. Still is! That's the only one I have that was ever named though.
Depends on the mood and if everything is going good while working on it. Other than that no name, my two youngest sons call it the Blue car.
My girls call my green Grabber "Bingo" since it had one of those "This car stops at all Bingo halls" bumper stickers on it when I got it. My white Grabber is just called "The White Car"
My mom named my car "Baby Blue" when I got it! I liked it so I kept the name. Now the plates say "BB BLU" It just fits it doesn't it?
my '73 4dr is Mean Maverick. seen a toy drag car at Walmart some time ago and bought it, and thought it was a good name for my car since it didnt have an official name. the '71 i built was called Grabber, because it was a Grabber clone. my '73 Grabber..... well that's to be decided
This is neat! Thanks, guys for responding. And, yes--Della IS interesting. AND a cool name, too! Keep it coming, guys. I think I saw in a previous post that someone's car is named Mabel. I like that, too.