Hi all, alright I got a long shot question thats really startin to bother me. When the car starts warming up at about 170 to 175degree engine temp (digital gauges) there is a squeek that starts and makes the sounds on the engine pulse. ( The noise is like when you sit on a matress and the bed frame makes that squeek sound) The noise happens at about between 600rpm to 1600rpm give or take a few. It sounds like its comming from all over but I think I've been able to point it to under the engine by the transmission. The sound happens at idle and when driving. I've checked lines and such to see if anything is rubbing but nadda. And this only happens when the car is running hot. Its a 77' 302 w/ c4 trans. Anyone got an idea to pitch that I could try? thanks
do you have any pictures of this squeek?? J/K does it change at all when you put it in gear?...frank...
This is a funny,but true story....I had a '76 302 that had a squeak at a slow idle..I put my cat under the car with me,and she immediately went pawing at the rear main area...I changed the rear main seal and it went away.
To bad I don't have a cat =( No 71gold, it will do it when in park when I revv it up, it does it when driving down the road.
I wonder if it is the same squeek I have? I will have to test mine to see if it is temperature sensitive and if it happens only up to 1600 rpms. Mine has been driving me nuts for the past 6 months, and I can't figure it out. I just know that some days it sqeeks like crazy, just a faint annoying sqeek, not a loud one like a fan belt. And some days (I think cooler days) it is silent. And, it doesn't seem to be a squeek associated with suspension, not an "eh-er-eh-er" squeek, but more like a "eeee-ee-eeeee-eeeee-ee". That is as close to a "picture of the squeek" as I can get. EDIT--I drove it this morning taking care to watch the temps. No squeek when cool, but when it hit 170-175, I got the sqeek, but only intermittently. Silent before that. It was cool enough outside that I couldn't get it over 175. I think we have the same problem...
Underneath, by engine/tranny? Have you looked at your converter/flexplate? I am not sure how it would be temp sensitive... anything is possible though when metal expands and contracts. A cracked flexplate can make squeaks or even knock if it's bad enough. Maybe a loose or missing TC nut? That can make noise. Dave
I already have one, doesn't help Flexplate? Torque Converter nuts? Can't be something easy to get at, like a fanbelt, can it? Stex, does your squeek sound kinda like it is coming from the dashboard?
The speedo cable? At least it is an easy thing to get to to check it out, not like flexplate and torque converter. I hope it is something simple like that.
Im about to crawl under the car again, the belts are semi-new but I will try replacing them and the sound isnt commin from the dash. Hard to tell with how the sound gets thrown around but its almost like its commin from the bottom left side of the engine/trans (lookin at the car). Meh, gonna go play with it some more. Thnx for the input so far.