A lot of folks on this forum use this radiator: http://www.championcooling.com/1970-77%20maverick/maverick_339aa.html I have this radiator in my Comet. If ur looking to have a stock appearance than this might not be the radiator for you.
But, if you're looking for a good-looking, good fitting, well-built, super-cooling aluminum radiator you'll like that one.
I just installed my champion radiator and I had to file the holes to raise the radiator up because the lower hose fitting was hitting the crossmember.
I talked to the guy that jimmy2gates referred me to (don't recall his name) at Champion about the lower hose clearance. Mine JUST clears. The close fit was intentional to get the maximum tank size. The other issue is the petcock might hit the front cross member. You might need to remove the petcock and use a pipe plug or notch the crossmember for clearance. I notched the crossmember and put a street elbow in to turn down the drain to make it easy to catch the coolant when draining.
That's a gud idea. I just had my rad out and did'nt think abt the elbow. I recall u mentioning the mod b4, but had forgot abt it. I hope I can remember it the nx time I have the rad out. "No time soon - I hope". My rad came w/ the plug, but I still had to notch the Xmember. I need to notch it more, can't get the plug all the way out w/ the rad bolted in.
I don't think ur rad will have any hood clearance issues unless u raised it up quite high. I did'nt have any problem w/ my lower hose fitting hitting the Xmember. Maybe they have made some changes in the units since I got mine. I believe I have a 3 core. How many cores do u have?
My rad bolted in "direct fit". The only mods I wud have had to make was If I had used my engine driven fan setup. I did'nt see how my stock shroud wud bolt in w/o some kind of mods. I have seen other folks use their stock setup on these rads. I don't know if they are using the exact same rad. Anyway, since I was going to elec fan setup, was not an issue...
I had NO fitment issues with the OE V8 AC shroud. It did bolt right up with no fuss. (I've since installed the Taurus electric fan.)
My Champion 3 row most likely would have bolted up directly if my front end wasn't all bent up from a previous owner's incident with a ditch. The aluminum tabs with the extra holes make it really easy to install an aftermarket adjustable frame type electric fan. Great radiator.
Thank u, i just had a problem with my 302 i installed 351 heads and i had to use 351 head gaskets instead of a 302 head gaskets now the machine shop guy adviced me to replace my radiator for a 3 row due to the high flow issue with the heads. Now this champion rad would be the one im looking for. Thanks again. Just an advice DO NOT try putting 351 heads on your 302 to save money adding some hp, please choose to go for the aftermarket stuff the hassle and problems you will have... man just put some bucks on your project it's worth it.