After reading and seeing how awesome the aje suspension system is I ordered it for my car. Later on I was doing more reading on them and in that short amout of time they are apparently garbage and crack and fall apart... neat. The kit come in and over all I`m not super impressed with everything but it don`t look bad. I`m definitely gonna ad some grease zerks to the lower control arms. My biggest question is does any body know where they have failed at ? I figure a few gussets in the weak points might be time well spent. Also the strut mount bearing looks super cheap and to me looks like it will wear out quickly. Has any one put any miles on their set up ? I`m probably going to try to figure out how to ad a grease zerk there too if its not too hard to drill... Will a set of caster camber plates for a fox body work on their strut or is their some other upgrade ?