is it possible to interchange a serpentine (6 groove) pulley with a v belt pulley? on the same alternator that is? not quite sure how much these alternators differ. im looking at a "Tuff Stuff" 1 wire alt. but it has a v belt pulley. and i have a serpentine set-up on the car.....
Most pulleys will swap. Even different kinds/brands of cars use very similar alt shafts. Just check belt alignment.
I have a Tuff Stuff GM style 1-wire alternator on my car. And yes, I can run either pulley. I'm running serpentine but this style alternator originally came with v-belt.
sweet... Ray i see they offer an alternator with a serp. pully. but its like 30 bucks more.... ive got a pully on another alt...... so ill just buy the cheaper alt and swap em.... Thanks for the info!