has someone experience with an aluminum water pump for the 302? i need a new water pump, long nose/standard rotation and was looking in autozone. they have new duralast aluminium one for a 79 mustang (part nr CWP-572) seems to have the same mount and water hole locations. id like to use the advantage in weight if the are working the same. is there a difference in flow? or some other disadvantages?
i'd use a stock cast pump. the pump dimensions are the same, but they differ in thickness. if you're running the stock belts, especially to the alternator, you will have to fab a couple of spacers to make the brackets work. the weight difference is negligible.
ive found aluminum versions of the stock water pump at the parts stores before. i would choose aluminum over cast any day, just because it looks better, doesn't rust, and is lighter. 79 mustang is a fox platform. i dont know if its water pump was reverse rotation yet. make sure all the accessory bracket mounting bosses are the same.
I've been running Stewart water pumps on engines for years. A little more up front but have balanced flow, better castings (old Boss 302 casting basically) and better impellers. Bigger bearings and they have a 3/4" snout instead of the smaller 5/8" snout thru the fan. In 25 years of using them on race engines we have never had a heating problem or a pump failure of any kind. My next choice would be an Edelbrock. SPark
when I replace mine I went to autozone bought the stock water pump and have it install but as soon as I stump on the car the water pump gasket blows up, took the pump out return it for warranty they gave me another stock replacement again every time I stump on the car water pump blows up it happens 3 times they get tired of me going back there and they gave an aluminum one they said it was a high performance never had a problem since then don't remember the part number though herea a pic of it install.
could you check what part number this one is? or what car it is originally for? i was at autozone yesterday to check the aluminum one, and it wont work for me. it has the bolting holes same as mine, but not one of the humps for the accesories i need. even the cast original maverick one is missing one hole i need for my serpentine system... will be tricky to find the right one...
heres the only part # I can find on it GMB-F28. and heres the one I seen on ebay that closest to my water pump http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Ford-Fal...=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item43cd8c0a89 ihope that helps you.
The 79-85 Stang pumps are reverse rotation. If you want an aluminum std rotation pump, get one for a late 88 to 01 Crown Vic. I'm using this one on my 331 with a V belt setup.
thanks, but thats the one i was looking at. i need the additional bolt positions the original hast to attach my steering pump... still did not find one that has the same dimensions (5.7 height, 5/8 diameter) and the bolt positions. seems i have to stay with the original
With no more belt wrap and grooved side to water pump pulley, it's a wonder... Has to be slipping under sudden revs and high RPM...
I'm stumped here. You say you've got a serpentine system, yet you're looking for a std rotation pump ? Good luck with that. Serpentine systems use a reverse rotation pump. If you're blowing gaskets, you're using the wrong pump on the timing cover you have on the motor. Seems to me you need to re-examine the parts you're trying to cobble together here. In nearly all cases, you cannot mix FEAD parts (Front End Accessory Drive) on a Ford. You have to use the parts as a unit. you cannot introduce parts from another FEAD and expect it to work.
your mixing up some things, im not the one blowing gaskets. i have a custom made serpentine system with a pulley in between alternator and water pump, so it works with a standard rotation. i know its not the nicest solution, but thats how they did it the mexican way... i will see if i keep it when i will upgrade the engine, but for the moment its ok... but just to learn something: what would make the gaskets blow?? having revers rotation pump on standard timing cover or the other way round?
The '86-'91 Crown Vic/Grand Marquis uses a two belt, std rotation serpentine setup... Those pumps have same pulley bolt space as the older pumps... Reverse rotation(pictured) pumps use a wider bolt pattern...
Some water pump gasket flanges do not match up to some timing cover gasket flanges. That would cause a failure. That there's truly some "redneck engineering" My hat's off to you. As for the Vic two belt FEAD, it uses a flat ribbed belts, but it's not a serpentine system per se.