I'm getting ready to order an aluminum radiator. I'm looking at Champion or American Eagle, anyone know anything good or bad about these brands?
Last year I had a summit brand 3 core aluminum radiator... I couldn't cruise during Woodward cause my car would creep past 200 degrees... this year I have the champion radiator/fan and I cruised for about 3 hours today and never got past 180... and my motor is not exactly stock...
I just finished this installation. And, no it is NOT a direct bolt in. See the links below for the AE and Champion radiator. Interesting that they are part numbers AE339 and CE339. My guess, they are made by the same company! Although the AE radiator appears to be slightly wider according to the dimensions listed in the ads. Probably different people measuring the same radiator at two different times! I purchased the AE radiator and it physically bolts in. But, not by much. My original V8 radiator is about 1/4 to 1/2 inches wider allowing for easier bolt in. First, if you install this "as is" you better attach the lower radiator hose before intalling the radiator. You will never get it on if the radiator is bolted in first. Second, the petcock/drain plug location is not really of any use. I had a new bung welded into the bottom of the radiator so I can easily drain it from underneath if needed. Third, the AE ad says bolt in with stock fan shroud! WRONG!!!! The overflow nipple interfers with the fan shroud. I called them and they said modify the fan shroud. Yeah, modify an unobtainium original Maverick V8 fan shroud. I relocated the nipple to make this work. An electric fan would solve this problem. I had to drill two additional holes in the fan shroud brackets to bolt it on (no cost). Beware, there is a wiring harness that runs along the lower portion of the core support. Be sure during installation you don't pinch the harness (the alum radiator tanks are larger). I shimmed the radiator out for clearance. Finally, I cut out/elongated the mounting holes on the core support radiator brackets so I could slide the radiator toward the passenger side to allow lower hose installation/removal without removing the radiator. BTW, you will need to slightly modify your trans cooling lines if you use the radiator trans cooler. So, for an extra 70 dollars I was able to modify the radiator to fit correctly. The car runs about 20 degrees cooler. Final assessment, good radiator but their ad is a bit misleading! I hope this helps. It is possible that others didn't do all of this but making my life simple when it comes to this car is important. Maybe others don't mind that they would need to unbolt the radiator or pull the lower hose to drain. Another brilliant suggestion from the sellers! http://www.ebay.com/itm/250998073221?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/1963-1977-F...Parts_Accessories&hash=item27ca3cf654&vxp=mtr
I didn't have an issue with my radiator hose when I did mine, I got 3 row with electric fan though... my drain on the radiator is usable as well...
My Champion 3 row bolted in no problems.. I can get to the lower hose and the drain.. Not using stock shroud though..
I'm really interested to see what happens to these rads after a couple years...Most people don't use the proper antifreeze, or additives....anything usually "Made In China" doesn't last.
And the proper antifreeze is? and the proper additives are? and are Champion rads. made in China?:16suspect
probably same thing that will happen to all the major manufactures radiators/parts that are made over seas... will still be there