I am trying to get my "new" maverick street legal and have been working on the lights. At the beginning neither turn signal was working but the headlights and reverse lights were. Checked all the grounding by the lights and cleaned off and out all the lightbulb sockets. Still didn't work so replaced the voltage regulator and flasher. The turn signals now work but blink very very slowly unless the gas pedal is pressed than work up to a normal speed. The back brake light also doesn't work even though it signals and the running lights do as well. Is there anyone who has had this problem or has any ideas on how this could happen? I was thinking it could be a wiring or ground problem under the dash. We tested the alternator and it seems to be working. It puts out about 12.5-13 volts and seems to be charging the battery Also for the sake of keeping it all in one thread does the battery have to have a tray and the part that holds down the battery to pass the safety aspect of the inspection? thanks in advance!
If you engine is running and the battery is charged the voltage should be anywhere from 13.5 - 14.8 volts with the engine running. Brake lights: is there power to the circuit and does the brake light switch work, The power comes through the headlight switch. It really sounds like you have a problem in the charging circuit. You may also have a bad body ground circuit.
Assuming the park, tail, side marker lamps are operating, problem probably isn't head light switch as those and brake lamps are fed from a common circuit breaker inside the switch... If there is power on the brake light switch green/red wire and power out when brake pedal is depressed on green wire to signal switch(crescent shaped connector) the signal switch is probably bad(may be fixable)... If there is no power on brake light switch green the brake switch is probably bad, no power on either, there is a wiring issue between it and headlight switch...Again that's assuming park, tail, sidemarkers are operating... Only can have a ground issue at sockets, HL, stop & signal switches just pass power... Of course if the signals operate there isn't a ground issue...
another tid bit of information that might help. When the hazard lights are blinking they all work but that right rear light (same light that brake light doesnt work on) Do the hazards also run through the brake pedal switch? Also just ordered a new alternator should be here later this week. sorry i take so long to post back, this week i am on spring break so any help this week can be put into action immediately instead of waiting to go home every other weekend.
I believe that the brake lights go through the turn signal hazard light circuit ( the harness in the steering column). Using a test light you should be able to see if you have power to the socket. Good luck
Here's a drawing of signal/hazard/brake circuit, it's for a '76 but other than fuse supplies I'm 99% it'll same as the earlier models... Note wire color and check for power in/out of switch... Feed from sig sw to RR is Orange & Lt Blue wire, if there is no power at crescent shaped connector the problem is inside the switch...
Alright the turn signal flasher i bought didn't work properly. Took one off my dads jeep to try and now all the lights work except the RR brake light. Is the problem in my turn signal switch where the single wire from the brake switch runs into and splits into both wires that also run the turn signals?
Yup problem has to be inside the switch... Apparently the contact that feeds from green to the orange/lt blue wire is defective(dot the arrow is resting on)...
Thanks Crazy Comet. Do i need a whole new signal switch/rebuild or can i go in and fix the connection?
Sorry I dunno, but may be possible with a cam repair kit(are you feeling lucky?)... Issue has to be with contact inside, if green wire into switch is broken neither brake light would operate, if it were the orange/lt blue wire neither right signal or brake light would operate...
The RL brake light does work. The only thing that doesn't is the RR brake light. all signals work now since new flasher. Still think it is the signal switch?