I know some of you have antique insurance on your cars. I was wondering who you have, and the rates and restrictions of the policy. I will be needing to either switch to antique insurance or pull the plates off of the Maverick this next week or two, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Preston
Insurance I have Hagerty Insurance on my Maverick and my Mach 1. The should be appraised then Insured for the agreed value. The policy is for one year. Check with the company for Current conditions. Check: www.Hagerty.com. I also have same year manufacture plates on both cars, 1969 and 1974 MI plates (1973 with a 74 tag). Here in Michigan this can be done to any car older than 25 years old. Register one time with the State and it is perminate. No need to renew every year and there is no driving restructions. I dont know if this is availible in all states. Check with your Sectuary of State office. In Michigan, the Antique plate is only legal for part time driving like parades and shows. Insurance is inportant! I will not take a chance with my investments. If there is a total loss Hagerty will pay the aggreed amount. An updated appresial is needed every 2 years. I have road service to. If you have trouble, call them and they will send a flatbed truck out from the nearest service center. free. This is the best way to deal with the fear an accedent and a breakdown. I would hate to leave my car to go for help. Joe
I am in NJ so the insurance is the worse here then any where else as it is with everything. I applied for Taylor insurance and they gave me a quote of $50 a year but they valued my car at $1,000 and anything I invest into it must be filed with a receipt. There were too many restrictions for me. They restrict to something like 1,000 miles a year and the car is not be left unattendent in public. Not to be driven during the week. And the list goes on. The same is for the New Jersey antque plates, I believe. But in this state you have to have the insurance to get the plates. So needless to say I have standard registration and insurance which is $400 a year and I am 28. In this state however I have classic inspection since there is no way in the world I would ever pass emissions. So it has to pass safety at least. Where ever you are at I hope it is better then here. Good Luck.....
in Maryland over 25 yrs old can be registered as "historic". plates are about $50 a year and allstate hits me $90 every 6 months. doesn't include collision coverage.
I have American Collectors Insurance on my 77' Maverick and will soon be getting it on our 76' Stallion. Before applying with them, the car needs to be appraised. They start out insuring the car for the appraised value, but then they increase the car's value 4 times a year. I guess they figure the value of a collector or antique car goes up rather than down. The good thing is that if the car should get destroyed due to an accident, they will pay the full value of the car. The rates are pretty good too. Mine is just over $ 100 a year. Also covered are theft or destruction of $500 worth of spare parts. The car is restricted to 2500 miles a year ( I have classic tags which also restrict me to 2500 miles a year). It cannot be used as a daily driver, only car shows, parades or cruises and it must be garage kept. I have no complaints with American Collectors, but then I have never had to file a claim with them either.
I have mine insured as a fixed value limited use classic with my normal insurance company. The car must be garaged and cannot be used as primary transportation. Missouri has Historic Vehicle tags available for vehicles over 25 years old. The current rate for these is $25.25 plus a $3.50 processing fee for lifetime plates. You can use an antique plate as long as the issuance date is consistant with the vehicle manufacturer year, but this plate must not conflict with the current numbering system. These plates limit you to 1000 personal miles, to and from events and for maintenance and you must keep a log although I have never been asked for one.
I'm using state farm antique insurance. 2000 miles a year, not daily driven, can drive to car shows, exibitions(sp), club meetings,events. I have antique tags also $50 one time fee never expire. same driving restrictions. $3000 value $75 a year, single 31 male. I also have my house,truck, jetski with them.
sp I can't remember my underwriter-it's through Classic Car Services here in NC. The actual underwriter may be able to write in other states. I'll look for the name of the company. $20,000 repair/replacement. It can't be a daily driver, must have protective storage-mine is a carport or garage depending on other projects. No mileage limitations but clearly must be a hobby vehicle. $50 deductibles all the way around. $165/year. Seth
I used to have American Collectors but was very unhappy with the customer service. They always seemed disorganized and I had problems with my second policy on the 4 door. I got it approved but never got it sent out to pay the premium even after a couple of calls. I switched to Hagerty. They seemed to give you more for the money and have been around for a very long time. Another plus is that many agents carry it. My agent does so I can do 'one stop shopping' for all my insurance. Their rates are competitive.
AON is covering my car. fixed value based on photos and receipts. garage kept, unlimited milage but only to shows. cannot be used as primary transportation. rates are $100 per year. good luck
haggerty ROCKS! uhhh njmav.... i have QQ plates on my karmann ghia. unlimited mileage... only catch is that (suppossedly) you are only allowed to drive your car to and from shows or for some crazy reason... school. if you go through the right town at the wrong time and an officer is in the wrong mood he'll stop you and bust your uhhh chops. so i tell him i was coming home from a show in PA. as far as getting your car through emmissions... no problem. i wait till i have a gallon left. maybe even less i put in a gallon of the cheapest crap regular i can find along with 3 bottles of alcohol. (drygas) off to inspection i go. right through no sweat!!!!!!! of course, on the way home i fill er up with super. good luck
Thanks for all of the input ya'll. I appreciate it. This gives me some companies to check out Monday, as I will be needing to do something fairly soon about insurance. We just bought an infinity convetible for my sister last night, and are buying a Ranger this next weekend for me, so insurance is about to get rediculous. I want to keep the Maverick insured and road-worthy so it doesn't just sit there between all of my projects for it.Thanks again, Preston By the way, I am only 19 (won't be 20 till April) so are age restrictions going to affect me with antique insurance? Thanks folks!! Preston