ok first off this is a inline 200 on a 67 mustang not a maverick but i do own a 69 maverick. I've posted on other forums trying to figure this one out. Ive noticed that there is small blue electrical arcs coming off the harmonic balancer. ive checked and double checked the ground connections and even added another one from the block, the entire ignition system is brand new. No one that i can find on the internet know what causes this, so far the best explanation has been that there is static electricity being generated from the belt and damper rubbing together but hat would mean that the balancer is faulty right and its a rebuilt from damper docs. Any insight wouild be greatly appreciated
I'm thinking that with a good engine to frame ground, you shouldn't be seeing anything static. In fact, my best guess is you shouldn't see any arcing at all - new one on me too
I just read the thread over on fordsix. This is really weird though, my 200 has never done it. In for updates.
This is just a long shot, but check the spark plug lengths. Could a piston be comming in contact with a spark plug to do this and the current is traveling down the crank and out the dampener?
"check the spark plug lengths" that's what i was thinking but then wouldn't it be misfiring if that were the case. can i post a video on here? or do i have to do it on some other website and then post a link?
OK, first the crank is grounded through the engine. The outside of the balancer is insulated by the rubber ring between it and the crank. The spark has to be generated from the rubber - as in static electricity or by something close to the crank mounted on or near the engine. A static electrical discharge can be from the air moving with the belt or around the balancer. The balancer doesn't have to be "bad" to make this happen. Try this: Run a short length of wire from the large bolt that holds the balancer to the crank to one of the bolts that hold the pulley. See if that gets rid of your arcing. If it doesn't then change to a different type of belt.
Run it without the belt and see if the spark goes away. Not for long obviously since it drives the water pump.