The "attached photos" won't show up on my screen. I believe I've inadvertantly set my Firewall to not accept whichever cookie(s) or I.P. address it is where the "attached" pictures are stored. Steph (or anyone), got any ideas? I've set my security level to LOW - not help. Hell, I've even closed McAfee Firewall (and associated programs) off - still now viewey. XP, I.E. Ver 6+ Thanks, Rick
Rick, Earl seems to have a similar problem as you and you're both running XP. Have you updated of any of your programs recently?
Stefan; I see the pic. I updated everything via auto update, but I still can't seem to open the attachments and links. Strange. I may go for an XP reload. At work, I have no problem, and run XP. Strange!!! Any suggestions? Earl
Stefan; I can see the pics posted on the signatures and such. Cannot access links or pics put up on a web site. Just seems to sit there, or blink once and not open or anything else. Puzzling! Earl
Stefan; it seems to work at my work computer, so maybe it is a setting at my home computer. Have to look a bit deeper. I will send you a bad link when I get home tonight. Earl
I read on another forum that a someone had a similar problem after an XP update. RE-installing IE fixed the problem!