heres a pic of what my summer project is going to be . I'll have 2 1/2 months of vacationsfrom school so i'll be working on the mav. I plan to have 2 10-12" subwoofers and a 5-10" monitor with a homemade box. Also does anybody know how to take carpet off the bottom of the trunk mine was so old it stuck to the floor and it wont come out.
Sounds like a fun project but heres my opinion. Dont go with a monitor, its just a waste of money. Seeing how you cant watch it while your driving. What are you gonna do, go outside and watch tv? i doubt it. Just spend the extra money on your amp. An amp will make or break your system.
yeah i hate what they did w/the pony on that show i was thinking of putting the amp in their and the monitor in the custum console i'm going to built.As for the amp i'm going to go w/a sony(2,000watts) one i can get one for $10-20 almost new.And the monitor i can get one for $30-40.
Not sure if you want to lose your backseat, but here is what I made in mine. It doubles as a seat for my dog when she rides, so she doesn't tear up the seat cushions. I kept the seat in the attic if I ever want to put it back in. Anyway, you could mount the speakers right into the back. The trunk would be your speaker "box". Not sure how it will affect the sound of 12" subs.