i have a brandnew B&M flywheel, part number 50238, or 50239 )i am not sure what one) with ARP bolts, on a 1994 302 block with a stock crank. the bolts wont tighten up on the flywheel. i have not reefed the bolts because i dont want to damage anything. this is the first time i have ever used an aftermarket fly wheel and have only installed 1 other engine (SBC)(sorry) i am wondering if there is a spacer i am missing or if i could use washers. i dont want this thing to come apart so i am looking to do this right. what do i need?
what do you mean they won't tighten up?are they hitting a certain point and sitting there spinning,or are the bolts tightned up,but you stil have some play between the flywheel and crank?are you using a retainer ring?
Looks like you are missing the spacer that spreads the load. This is like a big washer with holes in it that goes over all the bolt holes and center portion. Not sure this would stop the bolts from tightening up though. Do you have the original bolts to compare it to. Flexplate shouldn't make a difference.
The bolt holes in the crank go straight through the other side of the crank flange. So be sure to use the correct sealer/Loc-tite on the threads or you will have an oil leak and/or loose bolts
the bolts tighten up but there is still play between the flywheel and the crank. sorry for the misunderstanding. i am not using a retainer ring. is one supposed to come with the flywheel or is that a separate purchase?
i do have the original bolts. it was a 250, will that make a difference for bolts? do i need to buy the spacer you mentioned?
more than likely a seperate purchase.do you have the old one?that should work.or at least some flat spacer washers,but the ring is better.locks everything together evenly.also check the thickness of the old flywheel compared to the new.
do i understand you to say that washers are sufficient? i am worried about throwing the balance of the flywheel off. should i be worried?
i've used them before without any problems....but i ended up getting the retainer ring,just for pc. of mind.washers shouldn't throw anything out of balance.thats basically all the retainer ring is,a big spacer washer.use a little rtv on the end of the bolts and some blue loc-tite on the threads.should be fine.
Wasn't there one on the old flexplate? Not sure you can get one at the parts store. Might be a JY part.
flexplate loose you have the wrong bolts or the flexplate is thinner do not use washers.. there is supposed to be a flex ring, it isnt a spacer its to strengthen the flexplate. check thickness of of a ford flex and then the aftermarket for thickness.perhaps they sent wrong flexplate. check everything but please dont use washers. hope you get it figured out.
i sure didn't see one but i will go look tomorrow ( it is in my shop and i have to walk through -43 to get to it) it might just be stuck with grease to the old flywheel.
I've had them stick to the flexplate before. The stock bolts are supposed to be torqued to about 70 ft. pounds, if I remember right.