Well, another All Fords Nationals at Carlisle has come and gone. We had a wonderful time. It was great to catch up with everyone and shoot the bull. We were so busy that we really did'nt get to talk to everyone, but it still was a good time. The number of Mavericks attending this year were pretty low compared to past years. I believe I counted ten Mavericks and there were no Comets there this year. I know several people had other engagements this year and I'm sure the always iffy Carlisle weather and gas prices had to figure into how many folks showed up. We were'nt there Friday, but in true Carlisle tradition, it rained and the fairgrounds turned into a mud hole. We left home Saturday morning in a light drizzle. It took us an hour and fourty five minutes to drive out there and all was well until we got to exit 52 into Carlisle. It seems everyone who was watching the weather decided it was time to go and it turned into the longest, slowest car cruise ever. It took another hour and a half to drive the seven miles to the fairgrounds. By then it was just cloudy and Sunday was beautiful, sunny and HOT! We didn't get to see too many of the vendors. We were too busy chatting with people and trying to get the mud out of our wheel wells. Mud not withstanding, it was worth the trip and can't wait to go next year. It is so much fun to see people who we only get to see once a year, and that's what makes it worth going through all the traffic jams and rainy weather. The cars may be the stars of the show, but it's the people who make it all worth while.
Hey Jean I got a chance to speak with you. You were very nice to me and hope to talk to your husband next year as well. I will bring the car next year. Thanks to everyone that I talked to. It was really great to talk to people face to face that have the same interest. Most of time around here when I mention I have a Maverick everyone goes OOHH!!. But it's strange, when I drive down through town people are always staring and thumbs up kind of stuff. Maybe they don't remember how good these cars look. Anyway hope to see everyone next year. Mike
Jean, glad ya'll had a good time-how many boss cars were there, this was supposed to have been a reunion and many were expected to show up. I was just wondering because I had some friends that went there from Ga. see ya wayne
I honestly don't know how many Boss cars were there. They were some of the things we just did'nt get time to see. You really do need a full 3 or 4 days just to see everything. I know there were a lot of them though. On the way in we passed the area were they were set up and there was a ton of them. Truefully, I don't think I have ever seen so many Mustangs in my life. There had to be at least a thousand of them there. It was good to meet you too, Mike. It is nice to be able to put a face to a name. Since you don't live that far away from us, we'll have to get together sometime or maybe meet a show in the future.
I must have missed you Jean. I know what you mean abot getting there. It took me 2 hours to get to get to exit 52 but then it was another good 45 minutes till I parked my truck. I walked through the vendors first wandering if it was going to rain. So by the time I found where the Mavericks were it must have been 2:30. I was surprised to not find you all on the other side of the hill. I had a great time though. I had to leave the car at home since I feel it is not ready for a trip like that at this moment. As I always say maybe next year. I am not sure about those steep hills on 78 and if my car can take them. It is nice and flat here in NJ. I was a little disappointed not to see anyone from NJ. I will see you all next year. There were loads of bosses this year. There were so many they were parked outside the entrance to the grounds.
your welcome for the past 5 years I've gone to that event, it poured, the year I can't go, the weather holds Hope you all had a great time Shaun
The Carlisle curse was alive and well. Fridat was rain from about 2am to 10 pm. Saturday surly looked like rain until about noon. It really was great to see the regulars and meet new folks. Jean and Dale's new Stallion was down right gorgeous, but then, Ive never seen anything less, come from them. The Stallion got a deserving 1st place in stock class. Jeans 77 took second. There were 12 cars Saturday. I believe we signed up 4 new members on the spot. There were lots of good deals to be found in the vender area. I dont think there are any more grills left on the east coast. Nick bought them all up.
last count on the bosses i heard was 250, said it was the largest gathering anywere, i walked through the mavericks a few times, but didnt really talk to anyone, my passion is sifting through the swapmeet area.. my question is this, who got the grabber hood? i knew of one there, but i didnt get a chance to talk to the owner.. if i can squeeze mine through PA inspection this year and get my quarters patched up it will be there next year, i cant take another all ford nats without my maverick...
Thank You Dennis. I believe congrats are in order or you too for winning 1st. place in the Modified Class. Your Sprint truly deserves it. That is the best looking white car I have ever seen. I kind of feel like an idiot here because I really don't know how everyone placed in their classes. I never saw the award postings. I knew the Stallion had to go to the winners field Sunday morning because someone from The Ford Motor Company's STV group had chosen it for a Celebrity Pick Award. When we got there and checked in the guy reading winners list told me to go bring the 77' Maverick down too. When all was said and done, I missed seeing the winners postings. Forgive me if I don't remember your names or if I get this wrong, but the owner of the Grabber Blue Maverick Grabber took second place in Modified and the fella with the Viper Blue Grabber took third place in the Modified Class. The Green Maverick next to ours won third in the stock class. Congratulations to all the winners. I've said it before and I'll say it again, winning a show like Carlisle or any show for that matter is a really great feeling. But to me, all the cars are winners and the cars would not even be there if it were not for thier owners. It's the people who make a car show fun, and Maverick and Comet people are the greatest. Win or lose, we are all winners.
Congrats to all ... especially to Jean for the special Ford Motor Company recognition. So what class were the Mavericks put in? Were they just mixed in with all the other Fords?
Mavericks have 2 classes. Stock and Modified. Robert Derr and, I'm sorry but I cant remember his wife's name, won third in stock with a really clean green 73. Although I'm not fond of green interiors, their unbelievably original and perfect one was very sharp. In modified, second went to Danny Morris with his 71. He has done some really neat things to his. Flaired fenders, Charger tail lights and Trans Am front fender scoops are some. Third place in modified was Emil Jose in his 70. It was Viper blue. Being a person that believes any color but blue is a mistake, I was loving his car. His interior was also top notch. Another good side note is Melody Cady from AutoKrafters came buy and was talking to me about my car and general Maverick products. I expressed my concerns about the lack of parts we need. She wants me to email her my wish list. I already talked to her about the lower quarters. That will be #1 on the list. I think second would be dash knobs. One more person I want to mention is Michael Mayfield. He figured out a way to add power brakes, and it fits behind the shock tower. He said he believes the booster came from a Festevia and the master cylinder was from a Bronco II. I'm not sure you could slide a piece of paper between the shock tower and master cylinder but hey, it does fit and its straight.
I had too much fun there, it should be illegal. Bought stuff, sold stuff, talked way too much about MAVERICK stuff . It was great. How about the guy in the flea market selling all the Maverick stuff? Was he crazy on his prices or what? These are only Maverick parts right not gold, you can find them in almost any junkyard. LOL!!! All you Maverick guys are great.
Drove out Thursday. Took 14 hours to make the 10 hour trip. Lots of constuction and accidents. Of course Friday was a rain fest. Luckily I brought my rubber boots. Found lots of good parts. Bought an nos rear quarter panel for a station wagon....not MY year of wagon.....but I will make it work. For only $40....yes.....forty bucks......I will make it work!! Shortly after leaving for the way home.........blew out an air shock. Made for a rough ride home. Just something else to fix Made it home with no delays.
Had a great time. Does anyone need any grilles????????? I think my Grabber might be in Mustang and Fords. They took some pictures of Dennis' (Mavaholic) car and mine was parked next to it. It might show up in the backround. I spent money like I had it. I'm gonna have to take a trip to Atlantic City to get more. Does anyone need any grilles????????
Sounds like a realy great time, if anyone has pictures please post them I and I bet others would love to see them. Maybe depending on condition and price.