I'm very excited to inform you all that there is a solution to the "rusting battery tray" problem that we have all seen. A while back there was a thread regarding a "group buy" on replacement trays. While reading that thread, I had an idea of coating the tray with bedliner material to keep it from corroding (I had bought a can of it from Wal-Mart for another project, but have not cracked open the can yet) and wondered what everyone else thought. Well, Wayne Ford responded to the thread and told me to send him the part, and that he had access to the material on a professional level. The tray in my car is original and in decent shape, but I thought it was a good idea to give this a try. I removed the tray and I had a friend sand blast it, then I primed it and sent it over to Wayne. I had purchased a new hold down bracket (since I didn't have one), so sent that along as well. I'm very happy to report that they turned out awesome, Wayne did an excellent job. I'm very impressed, and I think the tray will last forever now! I believe that is the trick to making these trays last. I can't imagine that it could rust now, the metal is totally sealed. Anyway, I couldn't be more pleased with the results. I recommend that you contact Wayne (his link is below) and see if he's interested in doing others. http://mmb.maverick.to/member.php?userid=2087
I'm thinking about that too, wonder if I can make some kind plastic guide for under the tray. Perhaps I can use my "brush on" bedliner under the tray as well. I"m sure it isn't as good as the professional stuff, but it still might seal it off under there! Art
I haven't bolted the tray back into the car yet, but I was wondering... does anybody know if the hole in the bottom of the tray "lines up" with a hole in the fender skirt to allow any of the battery acid to have a "clear path" to the ground, rather than hitting other metal parts? Has anyone ever connected a rubber hose to the bottom to direct any possible acid away from the fender skirt? Not that there should be an excess of acid, but that stuff is so nasty, I know I have a lot of problems every year with my lawn mower... Just some thoughts.... Art
The Optima battery or AGM type battery sounds like a really good thing to look into. I need to replace the battery in the Maverick anyway, so I'll do my research and then make a purchase. Thanks! Art
yes when i bought my car that whole panel was gone. definately have to look into one of those batteries cause i dont like acid on my repaired tray and inner fender.
I think just about all car batteries are sealed these days. Shouldnt have to worry about corroding battery trays anymore.
unfortunatly not. there are some that look sealed at first glance, but have little vent holes(hard to spot) that allow the pressure to boil off. my wifes bronco had one of these that would contaminate the ground wire once a month. i kept cleaning the terminal but couldnt figure out why it was gumming up so fast. then i found the vent. I definately would check the whole top edge for any kind of vent. my jet ski and motorcycle batteries have vents, but are set up for a tube so the vent blows on the ground/air instead of spitting acid on the vehicle. the new cell styled batteries are nicer though if you can afford them.
Well, regardless of what I get for a battery, I'm happy that I got the tray sprayed so I don't have to worry about that anymore, and Wayne did it at a very reasonable price. Art