What Automatic floor shifter is best to use for STREET/STRIP use? Hurst or B&M or other & which model?
Hmmm.... depends on whether or not you want to 'hassle' with pulling up on a trigger to go from N to R and/or P - that and explaining to others how to drive your car should you need to let someone borrow it. :cringe: I had a B&M Hammer Shifter that worked GREAT. I now have the Hurst Quarter Stick - both seem to be fine. :shrug:
B&M ProStick here....great shifter and very well built! Almost exactly the same as the Quarter Stick except for the replacable gate.
I vote for a manual tranny! Oh well, I tried... When I had to run an auto, I really liked the Z-Gate. I had a Megashifter and a Hammer, didn't care for them. The Mega gave lots of 'issues' when driving day to day. The Z-Gate is less expensive and doesn't look fancy, but it is really easy to use on the street. Tough too. Not any frills to cause problems. My .02 Dave Edit: I should also mention that the Z is good for strip too. Once in the forward gears, it acts like a ratchet shifter. You can hit it HARD into each gear without fear of a mis-shift.
I dont think you'll go wrong with either brand, pick one you like that matches your intended use and the style that will go with the interior.
I've had my B&M Star Shifter for almost 25 years. Only problem I have ever had was the small T- handle for the lockout was made of plastic and it broke almost right away. Happened to be in High School at the time and cast one out of aluminum, problem solved.
I had B&M Z Gate in my 73...great shifter...Hurst Pro Matic 2 in my 72 also great shifter, no problens ever...
I have the B&M star shifter which is ten years old now. Never had any issues with it, Its probaly the only thing on my car that hasnt been replaced or given any trouble, And it looks like it was made to fit a MAVERICK.
B+M quiksilver in my Mav...since 1985 Works fine, My wifes Fairmont has a B+M Mega-shifter fitted with the short stick option, looks good and works good