i have a set that needs rechromeing...and you just have to drill one more hole to mount... ...:Handshake...
Or just grind the extra stud off the light itself, and then they bolt right on like the original tail lights without putting a hole in your tail panel.
That is what this thread is about, right.. The stud you need to grind off will be the only one that the tail panel dosen't have a hole for. It'll be obvious.
Justin is a young guy ... the car was a bit before his time ... The Bobcat was Mercury's version of the Pinto. (Funny car drivers and mechanics drove Bobcats!?! ... at least they did in the ad agency dreamland ... 100 point bonus question ... what car is that Funny Car supposed to be?) If you are seeing a red "X" ... go to http://wikicars.org/en/Mercury_Bobcat Like there are a lot more Mavs than Comets (4 to 1), a lot more Pintos were sold and the odds of finding a Bobcat are pretty slim. I was just at a swap meet, and the guy had a sign stating he had Pinto, Mustang II, and Bobcat parts, but he only had one taillight. If he had a pair, I would have tried to snag them, because I know someone here would have wanted them. PS ... I love my Comet taillights ... (hmmmm... I seem to have lost my back-up lights ...)
theres a Bobcat a couple houses down from me and its under a tree with pine needles covering it and its got wood stacked against the back of it... i dont know if it has the bobcat lights but the cars been there for as long as i can remember
You ought to try talking to the owner to see if they'd sell/give you the tailights.. you could get a pretty penny for them from someone here ore some one on Ebay...
I installled Bobcat lights on my 73. See video. Also the link where Hawko tells how to make these fully functional. (For some reason you have to click twice for the vid to work) http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=27870