ok not to steal the thunder from other posts or people trying to do boomerangs but i'm going to try to take a crack at this! since i don't think it is going to happen. i'm thinking about this in Stainless Steel Polished! Thats right Stainless Steel! i figure if i can do this under $125 bucks for a set i think it would be worth it. what you guys think? thoughts.. besides yeah do it?
point taken but no differant then the stainless you have on the trim now. or i can try aluminum and polish that.
I think that would be a great price. Are you going to do the square cut or rounded cut? I would go with the square cut since you could round them yourself with a file if you wanted.
the only thing i don't know if i can do is the screw part on the bottom of this thing. i'll work on that. any other ideas to avoid that and to keep it on the car... not that the one screw won't hold it anyways. but you kow all those picky people i am! so you better buy some so i can at least even out. yeah right find me a new job then maybe it might be true! square... only two years came with those rounded ones. if i do rounded ones they won't match up with later years with the other trim
you got a lead... already been discussed.. was a no go. i'm all for it if someone can do it! always eaiser said then done. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=22730&highlight=boomerangs way too many have to be made and SOLD to make up cost for mold! besides if i can get this done in alum or stainless i think people would want those over plastic anyday.
I would like to see a set done in SS. Sounds like an excellent idea. The price you name is cool too, for a set. My .02 Dave