I have a 73 grabber axle. 8". All new brakes. I didn't have the push pins for the shoes so I found someone that had some. I put them in and the shoes won't fit up to the post on the top with the pins in place. Any ideas?
That would seem to be the case, however, I can't find any alternative. My only option is to cut them down and turn the ends on a lathe
Have you tried any of the mustang parts suppliers??? I cant believe the actuator pins are just not available. They will be the same for a 10" mustang drum or a 10" mav drum. I dont have a new Autokrafters catalog but I would think they will have em. Have you looked at their online catalog??? Good luck man!!!
I looked at an 8" I am parting out for Michael. It is a 4-lug and did not use the pins. The shoes themselves contact the wheel cylinder.
I have purchased everything new. Lines, hardware, and those are one of the parts that "are not wear parts" and should never need to be replaced.