On a '73 Maverick, was there a piece that joined the brake pedal armature to the steering column shaft for support?? Can anybody provide a photo of their brake pedal assembly that might show the armature and anything attached to it?? There is a metal bracket on my armature with nothing attached to it.... and I suspect there is a part missing that used to stabilize the brake pedal from having side-to-side play. If I am not crazy, and this is true, I need the parts Can anybody help??
Well, the side-to-side play is limited by two plastic bushings that snap-in. the only thing that holds the pedal (on a '73) is the dowel pin and clip...
T.L. is right ... even if the plastic bushings were worn the play should be no more than a couple of millimeters either way ..
Are you talking about where the pedal assembly bolts to the bottom of the steering column and dash? Actually if I remember correctly, it bolts on the top side of the bottom but its all sandwiched together for strength.