How are you sealing the Caprice tailights to the rear body panel to keep water out of the trunk? Looking for ideas.
Bought the lights at a swap.No gaskets.Have been unable to find gaskets .No one seems to list them.Plenty of cars on here with Caprice lights,hoping someone will respond.
I have the gaskets from a set I used. I think I would have to cut way too much out to make them work. I don't remember. I used a quarter inch by quarter inch foam rubber to seal mine. You can have my set of gaskets if you want them. I have no use for them.
You can buy new gaskets for the lenses to the housings but I don't believe they make the gaskets for the housing to the tail panel - I re-used the ones that came with my lights
pics of seal Here are few pics of the seal and gaskets for the Caprice lights. The first is of the gasket and the back of the bezel. Unfortunatley the housing is installed in my car so I couldnt show the gasket in place. I don't think it's possible to use. Someone else might know more. The second pic is the foam rubber I used. The third is the lights on the car and the fourth is how I applied the seal.
That foam rubber sticky backed stuff is really good when used as a sealant. You just have to be careful, if you tighten too hard you can cut clear through it with the parts you want to seal. I've used it in a lot of machine refurbishing for machines that are partially exposed to weather. Like machines that sit next to shipping bay doors, it rains a lot here after all. I wouldn't hesitate to use it on my car at all. The only issue I can see is that it breaks down to oils and fuels.