ok so my 74 dies on me at 45 every time a try and drive it and i think it might be that the carb has gone bad since the car sat for two years prior to this, also my radio and headlights cut in and out when i turn headlights on. any help wou;d be great before i break out the $$$ to fix something that might not be broke
chances are your not getting enough fuel to the carb to maintain that speed. it could be a clogged up fuel filter or the filter sock in the tank can disintegrate and plug up the fuel pick up tube.
i changed out the fuel filter so i doubt thats it and the filter sock how would i go about checking that? the car was driving finde for a week or two and then started acting up.
you have to pull out the sending unit from the fuel tank. you can get to it from the front side of the gas tank.
Random Car Talk style speculation: You have a pin hole leak in a radiator hose, and at 45mph the RPMs get high enough to shoot a spray into the alternator which kills the charging system and shuts down the car because its an automatic. No seriously though you need a new headlight switch, that should solve some electrical issues.
Just a hunch, check out the wiring harness at the fire wall in front of the drivers side engine conpartment. Use needle nose pliers to push the pins in all the way. Mine where loose an lost all power. Had dome lights one time an then nothing. These cars are famous for that to happen.