I recently came across some paperwork in the trunk of my car that gave me some history as to where my 1970 maverick had been before it ended up with me. My question is whether I would be able to go to the DMV or a website and ask for the complete car history? I do know i am the 3rd owner I think. I got it when I was 17 for $400 from an elderly couple that just had it sitting in their driveway. It had the original three on the tree and I think it was on its second or third lap of the odometer. Not sure. It was love at first sight. I remember like it was if it was yesterday! ::sigh:: It ran beautifully!!! and apparently other people had gone to see the car to possibly purchase it but when they saw the three on the tree they did not want to purchase it. It was destiny!
I love that color!!! Ask the elderly couple what they know about it, if they are still around. I would guess the only thing DMV or a website can tell you is if it has ever been reported in a collision or theft. Are you looking for a mechanical history, or personal history? I was lucky to get mine from my wife's great grandmother, after she passed away. She bought it new at LaPorte Ford, 1973. Car has never been more than 50 miles away from LaPorte until I got it and took it to a car show in Waco two years ago and to the show on the west side of Houston last year.
My car didn't exist until I laid eyes on it. Before then it was just a dream I had about another white Comet like the one I killed.
You might be amazed on what the DMV has available if you know how to get it. Of course, they will only have records if the car was registered there. And each state may differ. I'll tell you my case. I work at a car dealership where we sell Lincoln Mercurys, Ford, Toyota, and Nissans. About 16 years ago I purchased a 1970 Boss 302 Mustang. I ordered what was called at the time, an Eminger report. This was basically a copy of the factory invoice to the selling dealer. It looked just like the window sticker but showed the dealers price. When this invoice came to me I was shocked to find out our dealership was the original selling dealer for my car. After showing it to the office manager she offered to check with the state title department to see if they had any documents on file. She said they would send me anything for a cost of $1.00 per page. I said go for it. Well, about 1 week later the office manager handed me 27 pages of documentation including all three previous owners, title apps, financing documents, the original bill of sale, and a few other things. I was totally amazed! All of the pages were copies from microfilm but they were still very good. Anyway, it's worth checking into. You may have to get some help from a dealership because my office said only they could request these documents, but like I say, states may differ from one to the other. Ya never know till you ask.
I once did a search on California's DMV website, I found some info on my car about the last smog test it had, and the address of the test. I printed it out and filed it.
when i pulled my back seat i learned alot about where mine came from, i found 9 .22 shells and 4 whole .22s, a old safeway matchbook with a phone number (lucy), a old pack of zig-zags, the biggest pair of channel-locks, and 93 cents. id say its from frisco