Well im trying to get a 4 door 250 comet running (dang comets) sit in car, turn key, oil light comes on buzzer buzzes, nothing..... i can turn it over by using the 2 screw drivers method. I replaced the ignition switch, starter solinoid, looked around for some type of hacking and came up with the seatbelt box (yellow box) The sensor wires have been previously cut so i did the box removal steps. I still have the underhood button. Alt wires are off. Any ideas would be appreciated
12 volt to S term on Solenoid during starting position? Good ground on solenoid? Neutral safety switch?
alt hooked up. No start. turn key and temp light comes on, oil light comes on and brake light comes on. I found a blue, orange and red wire in a clip hanging down. THe clip looks like a face |_| Any ideas? will try to see if power to s terminal and change neutral safety switch.
Dome light comes on until i turn the key, then it goes off. Getting power to s and i terminal when key is on.
Just trying to help ya....I have to leave for awhile...but will check back later...in the meantime try this stuff: I posted a schematic for you below. Make sure everything that should be grounded is. The "s" should only have power when the key is in the start position. The "I" is explained below...and will have power in both the run position, and the start position, for different reasons, when it is working properly. There are TWO SEPARATE CONTACTS THAT CLOSE in the solenoid, when cranking the keyswitch/starter in the "Start" position: 1. The MAIN contact closes (the large terminals on the solenoid) which connect the battery's positive voltage to the starter. 2. The smaller "coil boost" contact closes in the solenoid, connecting the battery positve to the "I" terminal, which leads to the coil's primary, and is for applying extra power to the coil during starting. Make sure your ignition wiring is like this:
unfortunately no. I do not think my removal of the button under the hood was correct. PEople have mentioned something on the subject but did not make 100% clear of their actions. i will check again http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=67416&highlight=button+hood I have done this and confirmbed that the red blue wire has power. so does one of the other red blue wires.
Can you be more specific please? There is more than one wire in the schematic that has white as the main color. None that I saw listed as just white, but I could be wrong, I scanned it quick, and I'm getting ready to go see a movie....be back later.