Been thinking, talkin to all these new mavers that are fixin these cars. This question goes to all the well known really nice cars. What would you say your car is worth? Not that there for sale but if it was what would you ask for it? Be realistic
I had several people asking if I would be interested in selling my Grabber at the Ford South show in Cumming last weekend. Of course I said no and have never thought about a price. I could foresee myself selling my non-Grabber car in the future for the right price. But as far as my restored rust-free Grabber is concerned ... it is priceless to me because of the almost impossible task of finding another rust-free Grabber to replace it. I will die with it registered in my name ...
Being my Sprint & I been through the last 34 years together, It has way more sentimential value than actual value. I have way more than $20K invested in it money wise. They say everything is for sale, and that may be true, but I cant imagine anyone wanting to pay what it will take to buy it from me.
Like Dan, I will never sell my Stallion, for any price. My other mavs are apart and in some state of resto at this time, except for the other Stallion that is really worthless, except for some of the parts on it. So I cant really give any values on my cars, but sure am anxious to see what this thread produces. Interesting post. Dan
Mine is no where near as nice as Dan's. That is as of now . I to, will have to have my cold dead hands pryed from the shifter and the steering wheel. It is priceless to me. Besides what else would I ride to do war with those stinkin chebbies and ricers. I am Mavowar and this is my story..... To battle I Ride this War Machine My sword is sharp and Keen The motor snarls like a Hound from the depths of hell I crush my enemies with my will and I finish with a victories Yell!!! All Hail The Maverick War Machine Not bad for five minutes
My 72 grabber is a work in progress, it has parts from every corner of our great nation. It is a labor of love that I can't wait to get road worthy. Money can't buy it, and I will own it til I am dust and then it will go to my son. The Phoenix is home to stay...Jim
I just bought my 1973 Grabber on July 1, 2005 for $3000, and spent another $1000 on immediate repairs (complete brake job, belts, hoses, thermostat housing). I plan to invest another $1000-2000 in it this year (five new tires, new stereo with CD changer, freon for air conditioner, etc.). It needs some paint and body work, which I probably will do next year. I expect to invest a total of $8-10,000, which will still make it less than half the cost of a new car. I'll use it as a daily driver. I think I could sell it now for $3000 or $3500. I've been asked several times if I want to sell it, and I don't. Like you guys, I want to keep it forever. I probably overpaid, but not by that much in this area (near San Francisco), where there are a lot of rich fools. I'm not one, I just act like one. Well I'm not rich, but the fool part, hum. Roz
I knew those where the replies I was gonna get. We are defenitly different from the other car crowds.
I dont know if my 77 is "really" nice, but I like to think its for price?...we'll see if it hits my reserve on evilbay in a few more days....right way in hell,...if it does,...I'll post what the auction block figured its value was.
personally i wound'nt buy a maverick for more then 1000 bucks... that just me. why? call me crazy! well cuz thats the most i have ever paid for one. to me it's maverick. yes i love them but like i said it's a maverick. however the time is coming now, where people think they can get Booco $$$ for them just becuase a few are calling them "collector cars" now. those people are not maverick enthusist to me, they are in it for the money and thats it.. they have no loyalty and jump on the band wagon when they see something that is cool.... where we they 10 years ago... yeah thats what i thought. i've been offer 20k for my blue car by a guy that i always see at all the car shows. i told him i'd think about it. which is my polite answer of NO! do i put a value on it... NO! cuz like the few that answered on the same post they will keep the car as long as they are living! you can't put a value on something that you put so much work into. would i sell my my least favorite maverick.. yeah maybe, but it would have to be at least 40% more then what i put into it and thats not going to happen... unless you wanna make me an offer besides keep in mind, rarely can you get back what you put into a car unless you part it out. the conclusion whats it worth? nothing! its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. even then, if someone sold it again would they get even more for it? for a maverick probably not.
Couldn't have said that better myself Derrick. No amount of money could take my '74 Grabber. The car is really worthless, wrecked, sitting up on bricks in a dark field in the middle of nowhere. But it will rise again, maybe sooner then I thought after I met a guy that runs a collision center last week while getting my exaust pipe worked on. He seemed real intrested in working on it, told me load it up and bring it by anytime and he would see what would need to be done to get it on the road again. If I ever get my hands on our old '71 Comet GT again, no amount of money would take it as long as I live.
value I remember, I posted my car on evil-bay over 4 maybe 5 years ago, on one of those "free-listing" days, just for fun, and I put a really stupid reserve of $50K on the car, knowing it would never get hit, and I figured the listing was free, so what the heck, It was in a lot nicer shape then. It still topped out over $3500, but I'd never sell it, then. Now, it's getting used as a donor! lol I'll get another one soon enough, that one in KY look just like mine. I'm watching that one closely.