Ok so the Mav is normally my daily driver during the summer but I have been on holidays for the last week so I had been away. I went to use the car yesterday and it wouldn't turn over. Took the battery out to charge it, so when I went to put it back in the car started up ran for about a minute then stalled. Tried starting it a few more times then it wouldn't crank at all, not even that annoying sound from the door buzzer. Charged the battery again but this time when I went to put the battery in the minute I went to hook up the postive cable the post arc'd and the car tried to start without the key in the ignition. So do you guys think the starter is gone? Cable from the starter to the solenoid? Solenoid itself (although it was replaced last summer)? Any thoughts ideas would be appriecated
Pull the trigger wire off the solenoid and see if it continues. If it does it's the solenoid, if not it's a short somewhere giving power to the solenoid.
That's happened to me a couple times, every time it was the solenoid. I'd give it a light tap with a hammer and that usually fixes it.
Do you have any power to the rest of the car? Hows the connections at the batt to solenoid etc. Could be a bad cable causing low voltage. Also is the batt any good? Did you test it? Low voltage will stick the solenoid.
I'd buy a new solenoid and try that first. In fact, I'd buy two. They seem to commit suicide at an alarming rate.
After trying to turn over the car with no results you can end up burning up your solenoid. That's happened to me, which is why I bought two last time and carry the spare in the trunk . . .