84 351, This is a truck we are working on. If we can get it running we will recieve in trade another truck with bad motor, good manual trans, I have another good 302,auto from a rollover, as donor. One good truck, and maybe a good manual trans for one of my mavs. Owner says truck sat for a couple years. Tried to start, wouldnt. He Rebuilt carb tried to start, caught fire! We replaced melted throttle cable, pulled carb,and rebuilt. We noticed when we did rebuild he had a few parts missing that we used from our kit. Bench set floats then strayed stupid. Installed carb while butt end of truck still up on tow dolly. Started truck, ran!, but rough. It was dumping fuel. Leveled truck, Adjusted floats. Checked oil, You allready know it was full of gas. Changed oil. Tried to start. Backfire, Carbfire. Triple checked plug and wire firing order, still correct. Did compression test, looked real good. Cap and rotor recent and look good. Whats next? Thanks!