Hey guys, Just interested in learning a few things here. Looking at purchasing a holley 650 with the list of parts i'm getting for the 302 in the maverick. When I was looking through all the carbs for sale I realized I didn't really know what I was looking for. On a stock 302 with a rpm air gap mani, proform dizzy, comp cam, rockers, etc what should I be looking for specifically??? I see some say mechanical secondaries, etc etc etc. Is the mechanical secondary what I'm looking for? I assume this pertains to the actual throttle cable pulling open the secondaries on the carb?? Or am I way off here. I have little to no experience with carbs unfortunately, most of my time has been spent with modular sbf engines so carbs aren't exactly my forte.... Also I see that with the air gap it says I will need a lokar bracket for use with any for aod, since I have a C4 I guess that means me lol. Is this just an aftermarket bracket for positioning of the throttle cable? Also what am I looking for in the way of the choke, I'm positive its a man choke now but is an electric choke an easy install??? i've also seen where they have no choke..... racing applications I take it?? Thanks for any help you can give me.
How big is the cam? What do you plan to do with the car? I don't have an airgap but I haven't heard of a special bracket being needed for C4. An electric choke only needs a keyed positive wire ran up to the choke. Mechanical secondaries open as soon as you open the throttle, vacuum only open when the engine vacuum gets high enough to need the extra airflow.
On some the linkage is progressive, so those dont open as soon as you open the throttle.... I think all the new Holleys come with the Pro series Linkage: http://www.holley.com/20-122.asp
Unless you are running a good aftermarket head, your 302 wont need a 650 cfm carb. Especially if its going to be a street use car. As for mechanicle secondaries...Unless you are running fairly tall gears.EG: 3:55s' or better and a higher than stock stall converter...The mechanicle secondaries may be a letdown for you. You will need the throttle cable bracket from your stock 302 set up to mount the cable and kickdown lever on your new carb/intake... Go with an electric choke carb...Set it and forget it is soo nice compared to no choke. A manual choke will require you to run/route a manual push pull cable and adjust it so it workes well. Simple...Yes, its up to you man. Cam specs as well as a few other engine particulars(Compression ratio/heads/exhaust configuration and rear end gears) will allow us to better inform you of a direction to go in.
Stock short block and heads so I'm guessing 9.5 compression. Cant recall the cam grind right off the top of my head. I'll post it in a second. Street car for fun. Eventually I'll probably have 3.73's in the rear.
at 5500 cfm the 600 CFM Holley will easily feed a 351W. It isn't necessarily too big just bigger than you need on a 302.