Got the new carb installed and tuned tonight, seems to be more responsive but we will see. Any one want to guess how much Ill gain or loose ? A bunch of us are heading to MIR this Sunday for the Fall Swap meet and T&T should be fun.
Dunno what was on it before. Hard to say what it will pick up, if any. Either's still a carburetor, which I am not a fan of.
Sorry, I guess I should have provided a little info on the carb. It's a Holly 1050 dominator that I picked up last year from the same swap meet. I powder coated it and converted it for use with E85 and am just getting around to trying it out. It replaces a 750 BG Silver Claw that has served us very well for several years.
Is that all, I would really like to see .3 to close the season. But we won't know till next week. We drove an hour to MIR and never took the straps off. got there early to find my rear right tire was flat with a roofing nail. Still had fun, went with friends and I scored a new RCI trans blanket for $40.
Hey Rick, I want to switch to E85 myself, few questions though, dose anyone offer a plastic fuel tank in the stock demensions for a Mav ? And are there any mechanical fuel pumps offerd for E85 ? I would like to switch over and still keep the stock appearance, is it possible ?
I never thought about a street application but your standard tank will work fine and any newer fuel pump should work as well.
Opp's forgot to update the thread. We made two passes last week, the bad news is both of them resulted in a .5 loss MPH dropped to 125. It was super lean so it needs to be jetted up big time but tracks are closed for the season now so we have to wait till March
Got the jets today, wife gave them to the kids to wrap as a Christmas gift. two sets each of 103, 104, 105, 106 Comp Cam Maxjets. They should do the trick.
Interested to see how it goes. I just changed to a 1050 dom myself but stayed with the gas setup. Going to alcohol inj this winter (summer here in australia atm).