There's a yellow wire coming out of the back of the carburetor on my 70 maverick. Does anyone know what the other end plugs in to? Also the first time i crank it each day i have to spray carb/choke cleaner in it before it will crank, is the something i can do to the choke so that i dont have to ude the cleaner on it everyday?
What carb do you have? Check the fuel filter, lines & the choke adjustment.. I also have a 70 with a 200ci and holley 1940 carb.. It starts easy but the idle is so rough it shake the car.. LOVE IT THO
the yellow wire on the side of the carb should be your electric choke, that would explaine why you are having problems with it....
Mine is on the passanger side of the carb, there is a black, round, plastic cover that has two wires that plug in. One is yellow the other is a short black wire. That is your electronic choke.
on mine the short black wire comes from the carb to the plastic box the and the yellow wire comes out of the box but idk where it plugs into from there
Are you saying the wire is hooked up to the carb and it runs into a hraness and you don't know where it goes from there? Or that the yellow wire hooks up to the carb choke and comes away from there but is not connected to anything? If the wire is cut or not connecting to anything you just need to run a 12 volt source that is only on when the key is on to the choke.