How do you reduce or remove carbon build up on valves without removing the heads? Please tell me there is a way. Does this work?
Used the Chrysler combustion chamber cleaner for years. It works really well. Saved me countless head R&R. Had a Dakota 3.7 2 weeks ago. Plugged left Cat converter. Replaced cat but steady misfires number 3&5 cyl. Figured it might have burned a valve or 2. Checked comp. and it was high on that bank. Ran 2 cans of CCC. let it sit a few hours then drove it hard, lots of good decels. Got back to shop. Not a single misfire counting on the scanner. Proof positive once again how well CCC works for us.
Ford's liquid carb cleaner that you pour in, not spray, works pretty good too. Same process as above. As the carbon breaks up, it will go through the engine(valves) so it can stick them open during the process. The combustion is usually cool enough to not actually burn the valves so you should be ok. I would also change the oil afterward. Good maintenance to prevent it from happening again is important and I've had good luck with BG44K, and Techron from Chevron is proven good stuff too.