Hello. This is just a general information post, but I'm entering my '77 4-door Maverick in a car show as part of a summer festival in downtown Detroit, Michigan, called River Days. The festival used to be known as the International Freedom Festival. The car show is Saturday, June 23, and Sunday, June 24, but I plan on being there on Sunday. Pre-registration for the show was necessary, but the car show was open to all vehicles 25 years or older. From the website, it sounds like only a few cars are included as part of the show. This is the first year for the car show as part of this event. Included below is the link for the River Days, and for the car show itself. The main link is http://www.detroitriverdays.com/ http://www.detroitriverdays.com/classic_car.html
When I read the title to this post, I though it was about making cars float or something....sounds like a neat event. Got to have pics!