Hey guys, I have a 71 with a stock 302 with an auto trans with no air conditioning that tends to overheat. I would like to purchase an aluminum Champion radiator but need to know which would be best: a 3 row or 4 row. I know that a 4 row would solve my problems but the cost difference between the 3 and 4 is quite a bit. Also, I'm open to which thermostat I should use with each one. Right now, I have a fan with a shroud that is about 3 inches away from my 2 row stock radiator and running a 185 degree thermostat. I was running a 195 at one point and it didn't seem to overheat at some points during the day. I'm not sure but I think I'm planning to also get a electric fan but may keep my fan for the time being. Any technical help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.
on my car i just used my stock six cylinder one which is like a 2 row i believe and i use that with my 302 i put into my car and i have a 180 thermo.... so i bet you would be more then cool enough to use a 3 row and have a 170 to 180 thermo.... i dont even have a fan shroud either... my 302 runs pretty cool temps for the most part with that 2 core with a 180 thermo, i believe if its like 100 degrees out side i run about around 195 at max.....
An aluminum 3 row will cool a stock 302 no problem. You can use your stock shroud and fan as well...But... I would determine why its overheating before doing anything. As a side note...Dont run colder than a 185 T stat... Colder will increase cyl bore wear in the engine and allow too much sulfur/acids and possibly sludge(most oils dont have the sludge problem any more) to build up in the oil between oil changes.
If you do wind up going with the alum radiator, the three row will work just great. I have one in my car with 180 t-stat. I'm running 347, 4 speed, 3.89 gears. I can drive in bumper to bumper traffic doing 5 mph fir an hour and it never gets over 185. I've done it several times too.
Champ 3-row is perfect,its usually 100 degrees heres in san antonio and mr car stays cool even in traffic at about 180
I have one in my 306. I have an electric fan set up anmd the fan never comes on driving. temp stays right at 185º. Idleing it will get up to about 200º but i drive 1/2 a mile and it's back dowen to 185º. and that's in 90º Arkansas weather
I use the Champion 3 row, and it is fine. I do use a Taurus elec. fan. Do you have a fan shroud? I couldn't get the car cool no matter what I used without it, when I ran the mech fan. That could be your problem.