I have searched the forums, but I am getting conflicting advice on this from my local hot rod mechanic. I wanted to swap out my steering box in my 70 maverick with manual steering, so I ordered a rebuilt unit. I unbolted the 3 bolts on the side of the box in the wheel well, I also separated the pitman arm. I then removed the 12 point bolt on the top. My mechanic says the box will come up just by pulling it forward and pushing back on the rag joint, but the forum says that you need to remove the steering wheel and pull the column back. My mechanic says no way, he has done it many times. I cant seem to get the box off the column, it has room to pull forward but will not separate, is there a secret?
I swapped mine without moving the steering column. I had long tube headers and had to drop one. But other than that it came right out. If it is a 70, I assume you have a straight 6 in there? Should be plenty of room to pull it out of.
It has been on there for 44 years it may not give up easily. But the splined shaft should just slide out of the raq joint.
Thanks, i did unbolt from frame, disconnect pitman, and remove the top bolt on the rag joint, but it just would not release. I did not want to damage anything, figured i would ask before i beat on it more! Yes, 6 cylinder, lots of room