Flowmaster 40 ... single in ... dual out ... 2" pipe all the way with dual chrome turndowns .... came out just like I explained it to the exhaust guy ... Has a nice rumble .. even the guys in the exhaust shop were impressed. At least it doesn't sound like a Honda!
Looks good Dan! I'm pieceing my exaust together with parts from junk cars in my grandpa's field right now. Trying to make it as quiet as possible because a straight pipe sounded like a tractor.
Dan, They did a very nice job, was it a chain muffler shop, or one that's only local to you? Next spring I need to put a new muffler and pipes on mine (also a 250-6) and I was wondering if I should buy "pre-bent" pipes and put it on myself, or take it to a shop for custom bending. I'll have to remember the muffler you utilized since it has a nice sound. Art
It was Mienekie ... but the guy that put it on was no average Mienekie employee. The first shop I went too said his guy would waste way to much pipe trying to do the installation the way I wanted it. He called another shop about 3 miles away to see if they could do my car and I went there. The guy that did it was about 25 years old, not sure what country he was from but he did an awesome job. It took him 2 1/2 hours to do the bends and get it fit up there right ... I didn't see him have to throw away any mistakes though ... The the pipes that wrap around the axle I saw him using the factory pipe as a template on the bender ....
I'm guessing your daughters car is a six cylinder. The dual outlet muffler makes faking a dual exhaust pretty simple with a six-cylinder.