What's the easiest way to check for spark. On my motorcycle I would just put a spark plug against the head. Isn't there a way to do it with the coil wire?
Kindly ask the wife to hold the lead while you crank the engine,don't be sitting in the seat as you may have to run really quickly. Try putting an insulated screwdriver in the end of the lead and hold it close to the block, and get someone to crank the engine. Or you can remove distributor cap turn ignition on and then turn engine by hand and check for spark across the points if you have a points distributor. If you have a timing light, it should pick up a pulse on any lead.
Just clip a timing light across any spark plug wire and if it lights then there is power? Is that what you are saying? No points. Pertronix ignitor.
Yes, you will still have to crank the engine, but a timing light will flash on every firing cycle of any particular lead if you getting spark from the dizzy