I've had trouble finding the correct firewall clutch rod seal for my 71 Grabber. I bought a “NOS” one off of eBay that was supposed to fit, but it didn't. After researching the topic on this site, I bought one from CJ Pony Parts for 67-73 Mustang, and it didn't fit. Both of the seals I got are for a 1¾” or so firewall hole. The punchout in my car is 2”, and I’m the one that carefully removed it. I recently asked another eBay seller to check the size of another NOS boot he is selling and it is also for a 1¾” hole. I finally got frustrated enough to make an adapter myself so I can use one of the seals that I already bought. I thought the part number would look kind of cheesy/tacky/tasteless…but I couldn’t resist once I started making it. I made up a gasket for it as well, so hopefully it will seal out engine odors like it’s supposed to.
That looks nice. I bought an NOS one from the dealer back in the 80's when I put the 4 speed in my car. Back to an automatic now, so I went out in the garage and dug it out. It is the exact part number that you have engraved on your adapter.
Wow, that is the same part number that Dan Hines provided from one he pulled from an original manual trans car. It's the number on the NOS one I have that is too small. I still don't get it. I mounted the adapter I made this afternoon and I'm pretty happy with it...but still baffled Here's a related thread: http://www.maverick.to/mmb/showthread.php?t=10651&highlight=clutch+rod+boot
In my driver I put a repop from cj`s-fit perfect. On my four dr I punched out the hole in the fire wall only to find out it was two big. If you want to make another one of those adapters I would be interested in purchasing one. Thanks Chris